Although it is common to see her on the field accompanying her husband, Álvaro Morata, with her children, the last time in the celebration of Spain’s victory in the Eurocup , and she is very active on her social networks, her latest appearance has served to confirm that Alice Campello is in one of her best moments. Not only because she shares the joy of her husband’s triumphs, but because about to leave for Italy again due to his change of team, the Italian businesswoman could not be more beautiful. Her secret? Privileged genetics combined with a lot of exercise and oil as an essential cosmetic.
And although it is easy to boast of beauty at 29 years old, after having four children, the body, she says, is no longer the same. Therefore, starting to take care of yourself with some of the guidelines that we tell you below is key to being not only healthy, but also with a radiant appearance. She knows this well, because in addition to having experts who help her to be well through treatments, the fact that in 2017 she created Masqmai, her own beauty firm, made her study many of the beneficial ingredients for the skin, something that she now applies to herself with visible results.

Balance diet
Alice Campello’s great body is no coincidence. It is true that she has privileged genetics and, as she has admitted on several occasions, ” I am very lucky because I don’t gain weight and I have a very fast metabolism,” but that would not be enough if she did not combine it with exercise and a good diet. The Italian has confessed that she does not follow any strict diet, but rather eats everything and sins when she feels like it. Many nutritional experts have confessed that virtue lies in balance and that eating a variety of foods, emphasizing fruits and vegetables, is the best way to stay healthy.

Hairstyles that flatter
Although it is common to see her with her hair down, especially in her day-to-day life, Álvaro Morata’s wife knows that updos can be very flattering and that they can highlight the features of the face. That is why, when she has the chance and goes to an event, she usually chooses to tie her hair in a bun like the one she wore at the Venice Film Festival last year. A very pretty updo with a middle part and that let two strands fall over the face. Knowing what suits you is essential to get a beauty look right.