Home Travel Top tips for travelling ‘cyber-safe’ this summer

Top tips for travelling ‘cyber-safe’ this summer

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Millions of us change location during the summer months, which means connecting our mobile devices to different public networks. We do this to Wi-Fi hotspots in different places such as hotels , restaurants, sometimes town halls, festivals … either because our data network is not working properly or is slow, because we want to save some money or because we are abroad and do not have roaming service . But be careful! This exposes us to the dangers of cyber-criminals , who infiltrate these types of networks to obtain confidential information from our devices.

What is the danger of connecting to a public Wi-Fi?
When we connect to a public network, we don’t really know who the administrator is or what security measures are in place on that network. The first danger we are exposed to are threats such as Trojans, viruses, etc. And not only on our mobile phone, but also tablets and laptops.

It is not as complicated as we think, and even less so for cybercrime experts, to connect to our mobile phone and capture the data traffic that comes from it. Cybercriminals position themselves between the user and the connection point, so we are transmitting all our information to them. With a certain amount of skill, they can find out which pages we browse and even connect to the same network and configure the application so that they can write or modify information in our own applications (such as social networks, for example).

The way they act is different: they can create fake accounts , with the name of an establishment to confuse those who connect; or they can position themselves between our device and the place to which we transmit the data and take control of our information (called man in the middle ).

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