Home Travel Don’t miss these tips if you’re traveling through Europe this summer

Don’t miss these tips if you’re traveling through Europe this summer

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It seems that the most common thing when looking for travel advice is when we travel to exotic countries or other continents. Africa, Asia, Oceania… but why not Europe? Although of course, for us as Europeans it is easier to travel around Europe than to other places in the world, following these tips everything will be easier and you won’t miss anything .

What is the Schengen area?
One of the main achievements of the European space thanks to which more than 400 million people can move freely between member countries without crossing borders , without needing a passport or visa, just with a valid ID card . Its name, in case you didn’t know, corresponds to a town in Luxembourg where this agreement was signed. Currently it includes 29 countries and not only from the European Union, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are also part of it, so you can travel through them without problems. Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria have been the latest countries to join.

However, there are countries that are not part of this agreement and that must be taken into account, such as Ireland, Cyprus or the United Kingdom . In the case of Ireland, despite not belonging to this space, Spanish citizens, as citizens of the European Union, will be able to enter the country only with an identity document.

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